Neighborhood News!

It’s Presidents Day and everyone has off of work except me it seems. At least there’s some excitement going on today in and around my ‘hood.

Opening- Wahoo’s Tacos on Park Avenue South between 24th and 25th street. A fish taco chain from California just steps from my home… I foresee many cook free nights ahead.

Morphing- Angelo & Maxie’s has been completely gutted and work is starting to change the semi- casual steakhouse into another semi-casual steakhouse Vic and Anthony’s. What is it about this space needing two names and carnivores?
Vic and Anthonys

Battling- Eataly begins its Monday night pizza wars by sharing their oven with Motorino for the first installment. Okay maybe it’s more about sharing than battling but I assume there has to be a little bit of competition here. I plan to order one signature pie from each and chow down.
Pizza A Quattro Mani

Happy Monday!
