A Wonderful Christmas
I just returned from a wonderful Christmas filled with tons of good food, family and friends. Way too much eating and drinking went on over the past week and I cannot mention everything so I’ll try to give a little outline with a few highlights. The festivities started off at Mr. T’s parents, where we started to enjoy the after noon by opening up a MAGNUM of Chimay Blue Grand Reserve. Yes, that’s right, a Magnum. Now I have had Chimay Blue before and always enjoyed the flavor but this time it was a little different. There was still the nice malty smell and taste but it was smoother somehow. When I got home I checked out their website and they said it is indeed quite a different beer than a regular sized Chimay. Since it is such a huge amount, it affects the second fermentation of the beer which results in a fuller, smoother product. So the regular, easy to drink 9% abv. Chimay became even easier to drink and enjoy. We were all feeling pretty good by the end of the bottle and decided ...