Sugar Overload at Doughnut Plant
I woke up Saturday morning and had one thought in my mind- Doughnuts!! Seriously I think I must have been dreaming about them because my craving was beyond ridiculous. I was going to try and ignore the craving but then I heard the news that my Grandmother passed away. I was feeling pretty down and decided that a good long walk and a sugary treat was maybe just what I needed. So I took a long walk from my apartment all the way down to Doughnut Plant in the Lower East Side. It was a beautiful day outside and with the sun on my back and crisp air in my face I felt about a hundred times better. It’s amazing what a good walk can do for your soul! Anyway I got to Doughnut Plant and the line was out the door. Luckily they move pretty quick here and it only took about 20 minutes for me to reach the front. I had one doughnut in mind to order but the same thing ended up happening to me that always happens to me at Doughnut Plant…I go Doughnut Insane. The next thing I know I’m ordering everyt...