RIP Anthony Bourdain

Les Halles was one of the first restaurants I dined at when I moved to Manhattan. I didn't know anything about Anthony Bourdain at that point. I honestly didn't know much about NYC food in general. I had come to the city jobless, with very little savings and no real plan for the future except that Mr. T (my then college boyfriend) had landed a decent job here. We spent most of that first year inside our tiny apartment, getting out occasionally to "brown bag" a beer in the park or hit up Gray's Papaya for their Recession Special. Not exactly fine dining but the kind of entertainment that fit our budget at the time. So when Mr. T's sister said she would take us out to a great NYC restaurant for dinner, we were beyond excited. I can still remember walking up Park Avenue and seeing the shiny moonlit writing on the front window that said Les Halles . We pushed open the door and entered into what I can only describe as complete chaos....