Quite Possibly a Perfect Meal at Craft
Mr. Treker's parents had reservation for dinner at Craft last Thursday and invited us to join them. We always love going out with his folks and had been doing pretty well on our budget so we decided to tag-along. First of all, I have to say that while I have always been interested in trying out Craft, it has never been on the top of my list. Why? Well I have heard so many mixed reviews about this place over the years. There are people on the blogs like Chowhound, Yelp etc. that absolutely hate it. On the other hand, there are also people on those same blogs that sing it's praises-even calling it the best restaurant they've ever been to! I guess I was just always scared to take the chance that I might be one of those "haters". Working for a non-profit agency I'm not exactly raking in the big bucks! Part of the reason I started reading blogs was so I wouldn't be disppointed spending the little cash I had on a bad meal. Well anyways- when Thursday ni...