The Dish at Bar Pitti
Bar Pitti is certainly no secret. This tiny little spot on 7th Avenue South draws huge crowds for its affordable pasta, great al fesco dining and the possibility of a celeb sighting from its A-list of regular customers. But when people finally get that coveted table many times they have no idea what to actually order. This is NOT the time to ask the waiter for recommendations. The Bar Pitti wait staff are notoriously rude trying to deal with so many customers at once. In order to have the best experience possible look at the menu prior or just follow my advice and order the best thing on the menu- the Pappardelle a la Fiesolana. Big, thick stands of homemade pasta studded with smoked pancetta, tomato and parmigiana cheese in a wonderful cream tomato sauce. It's not overly creative but it's so damn delicious you'll find your entire plate clean within seconds. Which is good, because then you have plenty of time to run downstairs to th...