Grand Central Magnolia
I happened to be on a Metro North train back into the city last week and it let me out downstairs. Walking out I noticed that Magnolia bakery was smack dab in front of me. Not being a person with any sort of “sweets” will power I walked right over and got in line. I’ve had Magnolia a bunch of times before and as you probably already know I think the best things here aren’t truly the cupcakes. They make an amazing banana pudding, fantastic peanut butter pie and luscious red velvet cake. However I was in a cupcake mood and noticed some new choices I hadn’t seen before so I ordered the Grand Central special and the red velvet cupcake. The Grand Central is marble cake on the bottom, topped with green vanilla butter cream and a dark chocolate disk on top. I had a few issues with this cupcake. First of all the cake was really cold. Keeping the cake so cold made it tough and nowhere near the airy moist dessert I usually enjoy. Second the icing was super sugary. Now I’ll be honest- Magno...