Cafe de Flore

I was so full after Bigarrade I swore I wouldn’t eat for days but after a two hour walk along the Champs-Elysees, another hour walk over to the Eiffel Tower and about 2 more hours back near our hotel, I was pretty sure I had worked off at least four of the eight courses we had eaten earlier. My feet were absolutely killing me (I did all that walking in heels….what was I thinking) so I needed a place nearby. Mr. T had one request- Duck Confit. I knew this was something CafĂ© de Flore would have so the decision was made.

It was packed outside but neither of us had any problem sitting inside. “Sitting” was the only thing we needed…and wine. A wonderful bottle of Saint Emilion later, my feet were finally beginning to feel like normal again and I was even ready for some food.

I ordered Le Jockey which is really just a Croque Monsieur. I had a lot of Croques on this trip and this one was quite delicious. Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture of Mr. T’s Duck Confit but he loved it. Talk about some juicy meat, it was practically falling apart when it arrived at the table. The bustling atmosphere inside the cafĂ© and the knowledge that Jean-Paul Sartre might have sat and wrote in the same booth I was in made it a perfect ending to an already perfect day.

Cafe de Flore
