Portofino's Pizzeria- Goldens Bridge
Question- Where is the biggest slice of pizza you can get?
Answer- Portofino’s Pizza up in Goldens Bridge

Look at this monster! This is on a regular sized diner plate and it still flops over the edge. These slices are seriously bigger than me head. And it’s not all look, this pizza is delicious too. It’s done in classic NY style with a thin, crispy crust and delicious char on the bottom.

The size helps out with the novelty of it all- this is two slices in one regular pizza box. That’s a lot of pie! It’s Mr. T’s childhood favorite and I have to agree. If you find yourself in Goldens Bridge this a great place to grab a slice before jumping on the train back to the city. Just be prepared for the mammoth size.
Portofino's Pizzeria
Answer- Portofino’s Pizza up in Goldens Bridge
Look at this monster! This is on a regular sized diner plate and it still flops over the edge. These slices are seriously bigger than me head. And it’s not all look, this pizza is delicious too. It’s done in classic NY style with a thin, crispy crust and delicious char on the bottom.
The size helps out with the novelty of it all- this is two slices in one regular pizza box. That’s a lot of pie! It’s Mr. T’s childhood favorite and I have to agree. If you find yourself in Goldens Bridge this a great place to grab a slice before jumping on the train back to the city. Just be prepared for the mammoth size.
Portofino's Pizzeria