Breakfast at Mile End

I was in game day preparation mode.  NFL action was about to start Sunday and I needed a big breakfast to prepare for the long day of game watching.  I trekked down to Mile End Sandwich in SOHO (also getting in my exercise for the day) and went for two breakfast staples.

The Bagel and Schmear was a fantastic choice.  Mile End has Montreal style bagels, smaller and slightly sweeter than our NYC ones, I find them to be absolutely delicious. The Breakfast Sandwich on the other hand was a disappointment.

Fried Egg, Slab Bacon, Quebec Cheddar and Rye Bread sounds wonderful but was executed poorly.  The sandwich had an abundance of grease, much more than a usual breakfast sandwich, and surprisingly little cheese.  At $9.00 a pop this is definitely an item to skip.

Mile End Deli
