Ed's Lobster Bar
I'd say during an average summer I consume anywhere from 8-12 lobster rolls. I almost always have one Memorial Day weekend...the kickoff...then slowly order more and more as the days grow warmer. I'm not sure what happened this year, be it the cooler than normal temperatures or crazy amounts of travel we did, but I realized on Sunday morning that summer was about to end and I hadn't eaten a single lobster roll. Obviously I couldn't let something like this pass so we headed immediately to our favorite joint Pearl. Upon arrival we were greeted by darkened windows, closed for the holiday! Ditto for Mary's Fish Camp...we decided to head east and finally two empty bar stools greeted us at Ed's Lobster Bar.
I rewarded myself with a delicious Bloody Mary...
...while Mr. T rewarded himself with a big old pot of Steamers. Then it was onto the main event- lobster rolls.
This roll has a lot less mayo than Pearl, only enough to keep the meat together and the bun is a touch more buttery but still delicious. For some reason I went with salad as my side...a rookie mistake not to happen again. Mr. T's fries were downright delicious.
It was a close one...almost missed a summer lobster roll completely!