New Brew Friday- Founders Double Trouble

This was one of those weeks from hell where I truly thought about finding a nice, dark hole to climb into for a while.  I was so tried, so stressed, so freaking wet from getting caught in every single downpour.  My frustration peaked Thursday morning when I dropped my cup of coffee three feet outside the coffee shop.  It was as if that stupid coffee just had to stick it to me one more time and I almost cried (I know it's ridiculous to cry over spilled coffee, obviously I'm a mess).  But it's Friday and and I can finally celebrate with a delicious beer- Founders Double Trouble.

This Double IPA has big aromas of grapefruit and honey with a smooth bitter taste of citrus and pine.  I love how great IPA's have a nice crisp bite on the end that's incredibly satisfying.  This guy clocks in at 9.4% abv so it's perfect for having after a long hard week.  Founders just released 2013 Double Trouble so it's drinking incredibly fresh as well.  

Take a look around town at places like Good Beer and Tops Hops who both have it on stock (Good Beer on tap)  Cheers to the weekend!! 
