Easter Treats at Chocolat Moderne

I've always loved Easter.  Growing up it began with an Easter Egg Hunt in the backyard with my two brothers followed by some serious chocolate and jelly beans from our Easter Baskets.  Then it was off to see relatives- first the Polish side of the family for a brunch of white borscht and potato rolls.  We always had a big thing of butter shaped like a lamb on the table that always confused me.  Then it was over to the Irish side of the family for a classic dinner of baked ham and scalloped potatoes.  It was a holiday filled with great food and family- what's not to love!  This will be the first time I'm going back home for Easter since I moved here so I'm bringing some delicious treats to share from Chocolat Moderne.

The first a Milk Chocolate egg filled with luscious butter caramel and sea salt.

The second a White Chocolate egg with a crispy pistachio praline inside and speckled green shell outside.

I always bring home a few of their regular offerings also like the White Chocolate Green Tea and the Milk Chocolate Raspberry...okay these won't actually make the trip since I already ate them...I have self control issues when it comes to chocolate:)

But the Dark Chocolate bar with espresso caramel is hidden away for some lucky person:)
